What an weekend…


Weekend started out fairly calm, but then I realized the Ludum Dare 48 hour “Create a game” competition was going on, and who wasn’t participating but Notch himself!
I soon saw Notch’s tweet about his live-stream. So since then I’ve watched almost every minute of it. “Whats so funny about watching someone write some code?” you might ask.. But it’s not watching him write, its watching him create a game.

Watching Notch use his techniques really inspired me to create more myself. Take greater risks and put more effort into my programming.
I soon picked up one of my older projects, me and a friend started a few months ago, which is a game for Android mobile devices. As my friend is rather occupied I decided that I’ll continue myself.

Can’t give any timeplan, but as soon as I have a screenshot ready, or I dare publish more details, I’ll post it all here 😉

So until then.
Top of the morning to you!